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Vicards are virtual cards specifically designed for paying advertisements on various social media platforms without limitations.
No, Vicards are strictly dedicated to facilitating payments for ads across different social media networks and cannot be used for general online purchases.
Vicards have no spending limits for social media ad campaigns, providing users with the freedom to invest without restrictions.
Yes, it's possible to have multiple virtual cards for your social media ad campaigns.
Your card will be ready for use immediately upon request.
Reach out to our team and provide the amount you'd like to deposit into your virtual card. We'll take care of crediting your card accordingly.
Withdrawals using these virtual cards are not supported. However , upon account closure with remaining funds, you can request a refund for the balance.
There's only the monthly payment of $29; apart from that, there are no additional fees or charges.Each additional card beyond the first comes with a nominal fee of just $5 per card.
Absolutely, you have complete control over your ad campaign expenditures and can track spending patterns associated with your Vicards.
Yes, you have the capability to analyze and review all transactions conducted through Vicards.
Yes, you have the flexibility to cancel or deactivate your account whenever necessary.
You can contact our customer support team via email or whatssap ; we are available to assist you with any inquiries or concerns.